Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween?

Trick or Treat?

Barney, Dracula, a Red guy with horns and a tail with a very large fork and The Teletubbies are hurrying to every Cham's Convenience Store within the City. Bringing with them their parents who seem to be more excited than the kids themselves, these costumed kids are in a rush to join the trick or treat activity sponsored by some of the establishments of our fair city. They run from one place to another, one convenience store to the next receiving candy,chocolates and other treats from the store and stall managers. Smiles and laughter can be heard every time these kids yell out "Trick or Treat!". Sadly, many of us now enjoy this "Festivity" and even count it as one of the most enjoyable events of the year. Halloween or All Hallows Eve, as it was once known, is not exactly as fun and enjoyable in it's truest sense.. We dress our kids up (even we ourselves dress up) in costumes and have them enjoy it without them knowing the horrors of what we are "celebrating". Let me bring you back to the history of Halloween... Its original name is called "Samhain" the festival of the Celts' (presently Ireland, UK and Northern France) New Year - November 1.

On the night of October 31 they celebrated "Samhain", when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. In addition to causing trouble and damaging crops, Celts thought that the presence of the otherworldly spirits made it easier for the Druids, or Celtic priests, to make predictions about the future. To commemorate the event, Druids built huge sacred bonfires, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities. During the celebration, the Celts wore costumes, typically consisting of animal heads and skins. But the darker side of "Samhain" is yet to be told. On that night, the Druids would go from castle to castle, serf to serf and bring with them their "Trick or Treat". The "Treat" demanded by these Druids would be a virgin woman to serve as a HUMAN SACRIFICE. If the offering pleased the Druids, they would leave a Jack O' Lantern with lighted candles made from human fat to protect those inside from being killed by demons that night.

If an unfortunate family could not meet the demands of the Druids, then... It would be time for the "Trick". A huge Hexagram would be painted on the front door with human blood. That night, Satan and his demons would KILL someone in that house through fear.

Look at the contrast of this... In the book of Exodus, when God's people were in slavery, God ordered that the Israelites kill a lamb and sprinkle its blood on the doors and doorposts for their protection. So that when the Angel of Death will see the blood, He will "Passover" that house. See how Satan is in a way "copying" yet "perverting" God's ways? Don't let the Devil fool you into thinking "Halloween is Cool". In the Spiritual Realm, the demons that controlled Samhain before are still the demons that control Halloween now.

Now, I ask you again, Is it still a "Happy Halloween"?


  1. this is creepy. sadly, people would greatly invest and entertain this idea due to popularity and tradition.

  2. i think there's something wrong with the layout. it seems your default font is black and i cant read anything unless i highlight the words.
    anyway, great info! i've followed you~ hope you can follow back!

    hi tita mila :D

    lots of love.

  3. so scary indeed... How i wish all people will know the truth behind this festivity
