Thursday, December 20, 2012


Predictions and Prophecies... Many have said and many have believed that the end of the world would come this December 21st. Well, I doubt that… because if you go to the Grocery stores today and check the shelves, you will find cans of corned beef that are set to expire on the year 2013. Hehe... 

Well, all kidding aside, there is still one more prophecy about Christ that is yet to be fulfilled – His Second Coming! The Bible clearly states that as to the Day and Hour of the second coming of Christ no one knows. If the world will end this coming December 21st then the God I have served is a liar… as He has clearly said it in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24 verse 36,  

"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.” 

This verse is talking about the Return of the King… and no, I’m not talking about the 3rd movie of the Lord of the Rings collection, I’m talking about the Rapture. The Rapture of his Saints comes before the time God will destroy the Earth and raise it anew. Refer to the second letter of Peter chapter 3. 

If God will destroy the Earth before the return of His son, I believe that would make Him a liar and everything He had said from the beginning of time can be questioned… but, Here’s the catch… Among the over 100 prophecies about Christ… only those of His second coming and the establishment of His Kingdom here on earth are not yet fulfilled… and there is still no one who can prove that God has ever lied. So, why would God change His nature at the very end? 

We are indeed living in the last of the last days. No one will argue with that, but to put a definite date on it based on the Malay Calendar is rather preposterous. I respect these experts who gave their time and effort into sharing this “idea” with the whole world… but, I respect God more. And if My God says that no one knows the day and the hour then, to me, No one knows it. We can decide whether we believe and cower in fear of the imminent “doomsday” or we can believe in the words of God. He has told us to live holy and righteous lives because the coming of His day will be like a thief in the night… 

We don’t know He may come earlier than the 21st.. the 20th perhaps? Just kidding. The day and the hour is not certain and there is nothing we can do to change that… 

The question is when THIS world ends, are we a part of those who will be with Him in the NEXT?